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Dentures | Dr. Effie Yao DDS

Affordable Dentures in Lake Mary, FL

A complete denture is a removable appliance that is used to replace all of your teeth. Usually patients that are considering dentures are coming to see us after many years of frustration with their natural teeth. While dentures are typically used to replace all of the teeth in your mouth, this isn’t always the case. Even if you still have some healthy teeth remaining, a partial denture may be exactly what you need.

Dr. Effie Yao is committed to provide patients with natural looking and fitting full and partial dentures in Lake Mary, FL.  Instead of forcing you to remove your remaining teeth, partial dentures are custom designed to replace only the teeth that are already missing within your mouth. This protects your overall oral health, as well as prevents healthy teeth from shifting into misalignment.

Denture Options

Dentures can be partial or complete. When a patient has got just a few missing teeth, partial dentures can be used for this person. These are again of 2 types – fixed and removable. Suppose a person lost a couple of teeth due to some reason, he can go for fixed or removable partial dentures in such cases. Removable dentures are less expensive than fixed ones. Usually the patient is asked to choose between the two.

Dentures can provide a fresh new look for individuals in need of healthy teeth. These dental fixtures are very comfortable and can be designed to fit your unique mouth. Best of all, they will look like your natural grown teeth. You will be able to chew and speak without your teeth slipping or falling out of your mouth. The key is to purchase high quality material that is guaranteed to give you good results. No matter what has happened to your original teeth, a dental professional can work hard to restore that dazzling smile that you once had.

Come In for a Free Denture Fitting / Consultation

There’s no better time than now to learn more about the benefits of dentures. If you are ready to take the next steps and be fitted with one or more of these devices, then consult the experienced team from our practice. For more than 25 years, we have been proud to serve the restorative needs of patients both young and old. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the dentures we offer, don’t hesitate to contact us at your earliest convenience.

Are you ready to learn if dentures are the right option for you? Contact us today to discuss the different denture options.  We proudly serve residents of Lake Mary, Sanford, Apopka, Deltona, Debary, Winter Springs, Oviedo, Longwood, Altamonte Springs, Maitland, Winter Park and Orlando, Florida.